Éxito clínico con el concepto de regeneración correcto

La indication matrix le ayuda a seleccionar el concepto de tratamiento más adecuado mediante una consulta inteligente en el menú situado a su izquierda.
Cuanto más vaya especificando la situación clínica, más se afinará la selección de conceptos de tratamiento situada en la sección de la derecha.

La indication matrix contiene > 150 casos clínicos y vídeos, así como consejos de manejo y recomendaciones de expertos clínicos de renombre internacional.


Si tiene dudas sobre conceptos o productos, contacte con nosotros – nuestros expertos se pondrán en contacto con Ud.

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Reconstructive peri-implantitis treatment using photodynamic therapy and cerabone® plus  - Dr. D. Rakašević, Prof. Dr. A. Markovic, Dr. I. Mijailovic

Probing demonstrates peri-implant pocket depth of 8 mm

, Reconstructive peri-implantitis treatment using photodynamic therapy and cerabone® plus  - Dr. D. Rakašević, Prof. Dr. A. Markovic, Dr. I. Mijailovic

Radiographic analysis confirms peri-implant bone loss

, Reconstructive peri-implantitis treatment using photodynamic therapy and cerabone® plus  - Dr. D. Rakašević, Prof. Dr. A. Markovic, Dr. I. Mijailovic

Intra-operative view before implant surface decontamination

, Reconstructive peri-implantitis treatment using photodynamic therapy and cerabone® plus  - Dr. D. Rakašević, Prof. Dr. A. Markovic, Dr. I. Mijailovic

Mechanical debridement and implant surface decontamination by means of titanium brush

, Reconstructive peri-implantitis treatment using photodynamic therapy and cerabone® plus  - Dr. D. Rakašević, Prof. Dr. A. Markovic, Dr. I. Mijailovic

Peri-implant bone defect following granulation tissue removal and mechanical debridement

, Reconstructive peri-implantitis treatment using photodynamic therapy and cerabone® plus  - Dr. D. Rakašević, Prof. Dr. A. Markovic, Dr. I. Mijailovic

Adjunctive implant surface decontamination using photodynamic therapy

, Reconstructive peri-implantitis treatment using photodynamic therapy and cerabone® plus  - Dr. D. Rakašević, Prof. Dr. A. Markovic, Dr. I. Mijailovic

Peri-implant bone defect reconstruction: mucoderm® fixed by healing cap prior to bone grafting

, Reconstructive peri-implantitis treatment using photodynamic therapy and cerabone® plus  - Dr. D. Rakašević, Prof. Dr. A. Markovic, Dr. I. Mijailovic

Bone augmentation using cerabone® plus hydrated with sterile saline solution

, Reconstructive peri-implantitis treatment using photodynamic therapy and cerabone® plus  - Dr. D. Rakašević, Prof. Dr. A. Markovic, Dr. I. Mijailovic

Clinical situation 3 months post-operative

, Reconstructive peri-implantitis treatment using photodynamic therapy and cerabone® plus  - Dr. D. Rakašević, Prof. Dr. A. Markovic, Dr. I. Mijailovic

Significant reduction of peri-implant pocket depth 6 months post-surgery

, Reconstructive peri-implantitis treatment using photodynamic therapy and cerabone® plus  - Dr. D. Rakašević, Prof. Dr. A. Markovic, Dr. I. Mijailovic

Radiographic analysis confirms significant bone gain

, Reconstructive peri-implantitis treatment using photodynamic therapy and cerabone® plus  - Dr. D. Rakašević, Prof. Dr. A. Markovic, Dr. I. Mijailovic

Stable outcome 1 year after reconstructive treatment (PPD of 3.5 mm)

, Reconstructive peri-implantitis treatment using photodynamic therapy and cerabone® plus  - Dr. D. Rakašević, Prof. Dr. A. Markovic, Dr. I. Mijailovic

Mesial implant site measurement confirms successful treatment result

, Reconstructive peri-implantitis treatment using photodynamic therapy and cerabone® plus  - Dr. D. Rakašević, Prof. Dr. A. Markovic, Dr. I. Mijailovic

Radiographic images demonstrating stable marginal bone 1 year post-operative