01/10 - DVT image showing the reduced amount of bone available in the area of the mental foramen
GBR with maxresorb® & collprotect® membrane - Dr. G. Bayer
02/10 - Lateral bone defect following root tip resection
GBR with maxresorb® & collprotect® membrane - Dr. G. Bayer
03/10 - After preparation of the implant bed the thin vestibular wall is visible
GBR with maxresorb® & collprotect® membrane - Dr. G. Bayer
04/10 - Insertion of implant in the reduced bone amount
GBR with maxresorb® & collprotect® membrane - Dr. G. Bayer
05/10 - Lateral augmentation with maxresorb® and application of a dry collprotect® membrane
GBR with maxresorb® & collprotect® membrane - Dr. G. Bayer
06/10 - Complete covering of augmentation site and implant with the membrane
GBR with maxresorb® & collprotect® membrane - Dr. G. Bayer
07/10 - Wound closure by soft tissue expansion without vertical releasing incisions
GBR with maxresorb® & collprotect® membrane - Dr. G. Bayer
08/10 - Post-operative x-ray
GBR with maxresorb® & collprotect® membrane - Dr. G. Bayer
09/10 - Stable keratinized gingiva after insertion of healing abutment at re-entry
GBR with maxresorb® & collprotect® membrane - Dr. G. Bayer
10/10 - X-ray control at re-entry
GBR with maxresorb® & collprotect® membrane - Dr. G. Bayer