01/16 - Baseline clinical situation.
Ridge preservation with permamem®, maxgraft® granules and autologous bone - Dr. E. Valdimarsson
02/16 - Adaptation of permamem® over the augmented site. Socket grafted with maxgraft® granules mixed with autologous bone chips.
Ridge preservation with permamem®, maxgraft® granules and autologous bone - Dr. E. Valdimarsson
03/16 - Lateral view of the treated site.
Ridge preservation with permamem®, maxgraft® granules and autologous bone - Dr. E. Valdimarsson
04/16 - permamem® partially left exposed.
Ridge preservation with permamem®, maxgraft® granules and autologous bone - Dr. E. Valdimarsson
05/16 - Situation four weeks later before membrane removal.
Ridge preservation with permamem®, maxgraft® granules and autologous bone - Dr. E. Valdimarsson
06/16 - Situation four weeks later before membrane removal. Occlusal view.
Ridge preservation with permamem®, maxgraft® granules and autologous bone - Dr. E. Valdimarsson
07/16 - Situation four weeks later after removal of the maryland bridge. Occlusal view.
Ridge preservation with permamem®, maxgraft® granules and autologous bone - Dr. E. Valdimarsson
08/16 - Situation after removal of permamem®.
Ridge preservation with permamem®, maxgraft® granules and autologous bone - Dr. E. Valdimarsson
09/16 - Situation after removal of permamem®. Lateral view.
Ridge preservation with permamem®, maxgraft® granules and autologous bone - Dr. E. Valdimarsson
10/16 - Situation 4 months post-operative.
Ridge preservation with permamem®, maxgraft® granules and autologous bone - Dr. E. Valdimarsson
11/16 - Re-entry 4 months post-operative (3 months after membrane removal).
Ridge preservation with permamem®, maxgraft® granules and autologous bone - Dr. E. Valdimarsson
12/16 - After impant placement.
Ridge preservation with permamem®, maxgraft® granules and autologous bone - Dr. E. Valdimarsson
13/16 - Situation after implant placement with provisional.
Ridge preservation with permamem®, maxgraft® granules and autologous bone - Dr. E. Valdimarsson
14/16 - Healed site.
Ridge preservation with permamem®, maxgraft® granules and autologous bone - Dr. E. Valdimarsson
15/16 - Before final restoration.
Ridge preservation with permamem®, maxgraft® granules and autologous bone - Dr. E. Valdimarsson
16/16 - Final restoration.
Ridge preservation with permamem®, maxgraft® granules and autologous bone - Dr. E. Valdimarsson