botiss maxgraft® cortico

maxgraft® cortico

Allogenic cortical bone plate
maxgraft® cortico is a prefabricated plate made of processed allogenic bone. It is similar to the autogenous bone and can be used for the shell technique. maxgraft® cortico was developed to avoid the donor-site morbidity and to prevent the time-consuming harvesting and splitting of autologous cortico-cancellous bone blocks.
  • Vertical augmentation
  • Horizontal augmentation
  • Complexe three-dimensional augmentations
  • Single tooth gaps
  • Fenestration defects

Defect filling

To fascilitate osteosynthesis, allogenic particles (e.g. maxgraft®) can be used to fill the defect. The preserved human collagen provides excellent osteoconductivity and enables complete remodelling. Mixing with autologous chips or particulated PRF-matrizes can support the ossification.


Rehydration of maxgraft® cortico is recommended; Rehydration of maxgraft® cortico (10 minutes in saline solution) has been shown to increase flexibility and improve fracture strength.
Due to the composition of 100% cortical mineralized bone, significant liquid uptake is not to be expected.


maxgraft® cortico should be positioned within a certain distance to the bone defect by predrilling through the plate and local bone, fixating with screws and therefore creating a compartment/container. The position should enable the placement of a later implant with a distance of at least 1 mm from the cortical strut. Pre-drilling is recommended. It is suggested to use a smaller diameter for the pre-drilling than the diameter of the later placed screws. Screws consisting of surgical steel with a diameter of 1.0–1.2 mm, or titanium with 1.2–1.4 mm and a length of 8–11 mm are appropriate for most defects. The use of flat-headed osteosynthesis screws is strongly recommended.


maxgraft® cortico cannot be bent to follow the ridge contour. It is fully mineralized cortical bone and not flexible. Cutting of the strut can be performed using the cortico trimmer. For the incisor region, it is advised to cut the strut in the middle and fixate the two parts to form the ridge contour.

Horizontal ridge augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - M.Sc. E. Kapogianni

OPG of the initial situation – provision of missing denture in regio 44 to 47 by a resin-retained bridge

  • Established augmentation technique with new material
  • Significant reduction of operation time
  • Standardized, unform thin struts
  • No donor-site morbidity
  • No limitation in availability for larger augmentative interventions





25x10x1 mm

1x cortical strut


cortico trimmer

maxgraft® cortico animation
maxgraft® cortico animation
Handling maxgraft® cortico
Handling maxgraft® cortico
Shell technique with maxgraft® cortico - live surgery by Dr. Jan Kielhorn
Shell technique with maxgraft® cortico - live surgery by Dr. Jan Kielhorn
Dr. Peer Kämmerer about maxgraft® cortico
Dr. Peer Kämmerer about maxgraft® cortico
maxgraft® cortico allogenic bone plate
maxgraft® cortico - allogenic bone plate

The proper size of the plate is estimated after the elevation of the mucosal flap or preoperatively using a digital planning software. Using a diamond disc, the plate is then cut extraorally. The plate is positioned within a certain distance by predrilling through the plate and local bone; fixation is performed with osteosynthesis screws to create a fixed compartment. To prevent the perforation of the soft tissue, the sharp edges have to be removed, e.g. by using a diamond ball. The space between local bone and cortical plate can be filled with a variety of different particulated bone grafting materials. Then, the augmentation area needs to be covered with a barrier membrane (Jason® membrane, collprotect® membrane) and a tension-free and saliva-proof closure must be applied.

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