Block augmentation with maxgraft® and cerabone® – PD Dr. Dr. F. Kloss

Block augmentation with maxgraft® block and mucoderm® - Dr. K. Chmielewski

Initial situation before surgery. Patient lost central incisors 1 month ago due to endodontic failures

Block grafting in the aesthetic zone with maxgraft®, Jason® membrane and cerabone® - Dres. H. Maghaireh and V. Ivancheva

Initial situation – Treatment plan: Replace the adhesive upper left central incisor bridge with a dental implant

Block augmentation with maxgraft® in the maxilla - Dr. R. Cutts

Initial situation: 40 year old female patient with extensive scar tissue after several surgeries restored with a Rochette bridge

Block augmentation with maxgraft® in the maxilla - PD Dr. Dr. F. Kloss

Initial situation - bone defect in maxilla after loosing right canine