1/18 - Initial clinical situation showing strongly compromised tooth 21
Tooth extraction and socket sealing with mucoderm® - Dr. A. Rossi
2/18 - Occlusal view showing buccal bone loss
Tooth extraction and socket sealing with mucoderm® - Dr. A. Rossi
3/18 - Enoral periapical X-ray showing poor root dimension
Tooth extraction and socket sealing with mucoderm® - Dr. A. Rossi
4/18 - X-ray after extraction
Tooth extraction and socket sealing with mucoderm® - Dr. A. Rossi
5/18 - After atraumatic extraction
Tooth extraction and socket sealing with mucoderm® - Dr. A. Rossi
6/18 - Extraction socket filling with bone grafting material
Tooth extraction and socket sealing with mucoderm® - Dr. A. Rossi
7/18 - Hydration of mucoderm® for a few minutes
Tooth extraction and socket sealing with mucoderm® - Dr. A. Rossi
8/18 - Application of mucoderm® that is cut into shape
Tooth extraction and socket sealing with mucoderm® - Dr. A. Rossi
9/18 - mucoderm® used to seal the alveole
Tooth extraction and socket sealing with mucoderm® - Dr. A. Rossi
10/18 - Coverage of the socket with mucoderm® adapted to the alveolar morphology. 2/3 of mucoderm® surface is covered by mucosal flap
Tooth extraction and socket sealing with mucoderm® - Dr. A. Rossi
11/18 - Stabilization of the mucosal flap by nylon sutures 5/0
Tooth extraction and socket sealing with mucoderm® - Dr. A. Rossi
12/18 - Occlusal view of the wound closure
Tooth extraction and socket sealing with mucoderm® - Dr. A. Rossi
13/18 - 8 weeks after surgery
Tooth extraction and socket sealing with mucoderm® - Dr. A. Rossi
14/18 - 8 weeks after surgery, occlusal view
Tooth extraction and socket sealing with mucoderm® - Dr. A. Rossi
15/18 - 20 weeks after surgery perfect aesthetic integration of newly formed keratinized tissue with surrounding tissue
Tooth extraction and socket sealing with mucoderm® - Dr. A. Rossi
16/18 - Implant placement
Tooth extraction and socket sealing with mucoderm® - Dr. A. Rossi
17/18 - X-ray shows good seating of dental implant
Tooth extraction and socket sealing with mucoderm® - Dr. A. Rossi
18/18 - X-ray with final prosthetic restoration
Tooth extraction and socket sealing with mucoderm® - Dr. A. Rossi